Undertaken in a creative, supportive, and imaginative environment, film education that focuses on seeing through films about genocide may inspire students to consider ways of living that will promote a more peaceful world. The “Virtual Memorial” website features selected documentaries about the Khmer Rouge rule and its legacy. Some of these films have been produced by Cambodian film students at Meta House.

Svay Ken Talks
Svay Ken, widely respected as the grandfather of contemporary art in Cambodia, passed away on December 11, 2008, at the age of 76. In the same year, German filmmaker Nico Mesterharm and his Cambodian colleague Lach Chantha interviewed the self-taught artist about his life.

Wind Project
Günther Uecker (born 1930) is a German sculptor, op artist and installation artist. He travelled to Cambodia in 1993 where he created a series of works at the Cambodian genocide memorial “Toul Sleng. This interview was led by Dr. Johannes Odenthal of the Berlin Academy of the Arts.

The Pepper Fields
Before the ultra-communist Pol Pot rule. (1975-79), pepper from Kampot was considered the world’s best. Local film students and international filmmakers travel to Cambodia’s south to document its re-branding and the country's early step towards a market-based economy in 2010.

Art of Survival
In 2008, Meta House launched one of the country’s first exhibitions about the Khmer Rouge genocide and its legacy with the participation of 40 Cambodian and international artists. The project was accompanied by shows in villages, public forums and numerous film screenings.

Sou Sotheavy
Khmer Rouge survivor Sou Sotheavy is the only transgender who ever testified at a war crimes tribunal. Cambodian female film maker Sao Sopheak follows the moving story of a “Civil Party” and her fight for justice at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

Three Generations
Three young filmmakers follow the stories of a Khmer Rouge victim, a child of the “Killing Fields”, and the daughter of Pol Pot survivors. Lim Seang Heng, Prum Seila and Borei Sylyvann set out to learn from the experiences of their protagonists and to document their hopes for the future.

Meu Peou
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) was the first court trying international mass crimes that provided an opportunity for Pol Pot survivors to participate directly in the trial proceedings as Civil Parties. Meu Peou was one of them…

Survive Art
“Survive Art” is a video piece by American artist/filmmaker Elizabeth Wuerffel. The film was produced for the second part of the Meta House exhibition “Art of Survival”, (2009), where Cambodian artists from all age groups reflected on Pol Pot's genocide for the first time.

Thann Thim
Thann Thim is a Khmer Rouge survivor and a “Civil Party” at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Produced by Meta House as part of the “Courageous Turtle” project (2015-2018), Thann Thim shares his story with young Cambodian film students, who want to learn more about the past.

Forum Theatre
The “Transcultural Psychosocial Organization” (TPO) Cambodia is Cambodia’s leading NGO in the field of mental health care and psychosocial support. TPO uses “Forum Theatre” to instigate intergenerational dialogue around gender-based violence under Khmer Rouge rule.
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